FREEBIE - Connection

Are You Being Called to Connect to Your Guides?

Hey there! Ever notice those awesome moments of synchronicity in your life? You know, like when you're thinking of someone, and bam, they give you a call, or your favourite song starts playing on the stereo? I live for those daily bursts of awesomeness! I'm totally into the whole "high vibes only" lifestyle. Making it my mission to unblock all that energetic support around me is my jam. And let me tell you, the more I dive into believing in divine guidance, the more mind-blowing miracles I experience!

One super cool way I receive guidance is through repeating numbers, especially the magical 1111. It pops up everywhere – on screens, digital clocks, and even addresses. To me, it's like the Universe sending a little wink, reminding me that I'm on the right path. And you bet I wink right back! I'm not alone in this; many spiritual folks believe that 1111 is a message to recalibrate your consciousness and intuition. How cool is that?

Now, getting these messages is amazing, but responding to them? That's where the real magic happens. Instead of just brushing off these moments as miracles or coincidences, I choose to fully embrace the guidance. Whenever I encounter 1111, I make it a point to say a little prayer out loud, thanking my spirit guides and asking for more. It's my way of tuning in and connecting with the energy around me. Because, let's be real, when I'm in tune and connected, I'm all about expecting miracles!

And guess what? Divine guidance isn't some exclusive club; it's available to everyone, all the time! The first step? Stop questioning the synchronicity in your life. Seriously, just honour those miraculous moments. Pay attention to them, soak them in. Give a little wink back. 

Now, to create even more synchronicity and flow, you gotta amp up your faith in miracles. Kick that negative self-talk to the curb and start affirming that you're a total miracle worker. Let go of disbelief, focus on a faith-based belief system, and watch the divine guidance flood in. It's like clearing space for a high vibe, spiritual party! Yes please!!!

Once you're on the belief train, pay attention to the guidance. It comes in all sorts of forms – repeating numbers, strong intuition, synchronicity. Spirit connects through people, like those moments when you're thinking of someone, and boom, they reach out. Or you’re reminiscing about the past and a song comes on that reminds you of them! I know this happens to YOU. Strengthen your intuition by taking it seriously; jot it down, repeat it out loud. And oh, spirit loves visual cues and technology. My 1111 encounters or lights flickering are my spirit guides saying, "Hey, pay attention!"

So, once you're aware of this divine connection, surrender to it, be open to receiving it. Dive into that high-energy, growth-mindset, and watch the miracles unfold! And hey, if you want to deepen your miracle mindset, check out Grounding Magic's free meditation and workbook – it's a game-changer, trust me! This is just the beginning friend…I am so excited for you.


Level Up Your Frequency, Level Up Your Life.


The Viral ‘Glow’ Drink…